
[気になるアプリ] iTweetQuote (Social Networking) [無料セール中]

THIS IS FOR Twitter Addicts!

iTweetQuote is the quickest way to share famous quote to your followers at Twitter. iTweetQuote lets you quickly and easily tweet a quote in a single click. It is useful when you don't know what to tweet.

Your update will be selected from 35,000+ famous quotes randomly.

It is used to solve a problem every iPhone + Twitter user facing everytime when they want to tweet but don't know what to tweet.

"My friend think that I'm cool when I tweet the quote" - R Sandoval

"Wow, I use it when I have nothing special to update! LOL" - Raymond J. Robbins

"Simple and fast twitter app." - Marie Cooper

"I love the quotes generated from this app." - JustinHart

- Auto generate a quote when startup
- Over 35,000 quotes in database
- Allow change Twitter username and password
- Single-click to publish
- Editable message
- Allow to pick a new quote
- Author detail
- Allow to control the author display
- Allow to control the credit display
- Design with the KISS ("Keep it Simple, Stupid") principle


Posted via web from iPod touch覚書

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